Hiya Amazon Quartet,
I'm just writing to say thank you. ^_^
I like Sailor Moon, but I live in the UK and it's hard to get anything
about it. The anime is show, but only on a channel I cannot get :( The
manga is also difficult to come by (and VERY expensive when I can find
any of them) So what am I left with? The internet...
But things were always very confusing, there are is so much infomation
anyway, and if some sites got it wrong I just wound up getting more
Thanks to your site I was able to find some good sites (and aviod ones
that were liable to confuse me further) and am now finally beginning to
get the hang of Sailor Moon ^_^
So once again, thank you, and keep up the great site (It's fun reading
the reviews ^_^)
See ya
Wow. I've looked at your site and I truely applaud
you. You've done such a great job putting together a
site with lots of passion. I think it's great that
you have taken so much time to help "sucky" pages.
I'm a big SM fan and I hate it when people have crap
for their page. I just wanted to tell you that you're
doing a great job and to keep up the good work.
3 years ago, I distinctly remember how people in the
"Sailormoon Community" ranted about Geocities and
Tripod, saying it's better to Xoom. But I have found
that you, along with the other Sailormoon sites in
Geocities have thus survived.
Actually, my interest in the thing has waned long ago
although for lack of material for design ideas (all I
do mostly are corporate sites), I used the same old
Bishoujo Senshi Site I once abandoned.
Anyway, it's amazing to see how you've survived all
these years.
And though my site, which, (allow me to boast a
little...rather than to be falsely modest) has been
recognized by fans of my favorite senshi as
comprehensive enough never was once considered good in
your eyes, I'm still glad to say it existed for the
fans of my favorite senshi. They really must love
this senshi as much as I did.
Here's wishing you gambatte! Good luck in all your
endeavors especially in trying to keep the flame of
the "SM Community" alive. I probably can't help keep
that flame going.