Anti-Free Web Graphics Sites
By: Snow White
A piece of disclaimer first. I myself own a free web graphics site and
what I'm going to express in this article may upset some people. But I
wish to express something that has been bothering me for a while.
First of all, when we all go into a free web graphics site, what do we
look for? Quality web graphics of course, mainly main layouts since
these are the ones that will give you inspirations on the outlook of your
The problem is just like WPRs sites, (no offence to Witches 4 ^.~) I
noticed a sudden sprung of web graphics sites. Most of them were part of
an existing site and the site owners includes them simply to offer more
services to their visitors, in the hope that they will bookmark their
site and come back often. This trend somehow upsets me, not because i'm
facing stiff competition for web traffic, rather, I found that some
sites displayed rather poor quality web graphics for offering. In many
cases, the site owners themselves are using free graphics from other more
established web graphics site for their site construction.
Somehow, I feel that if these site owners doesn't feel confident enough
to make their own web graphics to construct their own sites, what makes
them think that their free web graphics will be a service? Or worse,
simply reproduce another free web graphics site's graphics as their own
for taking? Shamelessly asking for links back if someone uses them?
I understand that making web sites is all about fun. However, it is no
longer fun when there is not much originality, even in the creative
world of making web graphics.
Comments on this article can be sent to: Snow White.
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They are not necessarily shared by Tripod and the Amazoness Quartet.