By: Metal Garurumon/Dragonball#5
I'm not a webmaster. I'm not really that interactive in the sailor
moon community. But I do like Sailor Moon. For some reason, my
favorite character was, is, and will be Artemis, the white moon cat.
Don't ask
why. I just really like him. He's so cute and funny, but can also be
dead serious.
However, I find he gets very little respect. It seems to be my
curse to pick out favorite characters in anime who tend to get the
short end of the stick, whether it's Yamcha on DBZ,Zechs on GW, or Arty
on Sailor Moon.
It's seriously a bad sign when one of the most hated,
disrespected, infamous Sailor Moon fanfics on the 'net, is "Artemis' Lover".
I've read it myself. It's crap. And it just goes to show how little
respect poor Arty is given. Now, I'm not saying Artemis deserves the
spotlight all the time, just here and there, and if not at all, then
that doesn't mean he should just be dropped into the background.
Remember, these are my opinions, and you don't have to agree to them.
In honesty, I think a lot of people don't really recognize the moments
when Artemis becomes key to the story.
A fine example would be in
"Sailor Moon Returns", the first episode of the Sailor Moon R anime.
Although Artemis doesn't save the day, he does give Luna enough time to
trigger Serena's(Usagi to all you japanese fans) memories of her times
as Sailor Moon. This is a style of moment that should occur more
often. Artemis plays his role (advisor) without becoming the
episode's(or fanfiction's) hero. Thus, writers and fans don't forget
about his existence, because, let's face it, he has a lot of
that goes generally unrecognized because of his lack of time exposed.
I've found one, ONE, lousy Artemis shrine on the entire internet, and
has three very small sections. This is a sign that those who do like
Artemis either don't have time to or don't really bother to work on
things about him. Perhaps I'm alone in saying this, but Artemis
deserves better! Arty needs
resspect from others, too, but I can't and won't force others to
respect him. I just wish they did. You can be expecting to hear more
from me soon, but responses, positive or negative, would be appreciated
until then.
Comments on this article can be sent to: Metal Garurumon.