By: Bao
"Venus Love Chain Harness/Whip/Encirlcle/Knockout,"
Sailorvenus yelled. It was a different attack every
day. How could Janice Sonski, the executive producer
of the dub, Nicole Thualt, the voice director, and
Emilie Barlow, Mina's voice actress miss this? This
went on all through the S dub.
Not only did attacks names change from episode to
episode, but important terms like Talisman, daimon,
and Messiah had different names all season. Daimons
were called Diamond Heart Snatchers, Demonaes, and
One character even had her name changed every
day. Kaolinite went from Kaori Knight, to Kaorinite,
to sometimes just Kaori. This was in the original,
but it made sense. In the original, after Kaolinite
died, Tomoe brought her back to life, and so nobody
would know she was Kaolinite, she went by Kaori as a
cover up. The S dub just seemed to swap names for no
The SuperS dub by CWi was much better, we still
had inconsistencies, but not nearly as many.
Sparkling Wide Pressure would usually retain it's
name, but was sometimes called Jupiter Thunderclap
Zap. Fisheye, changed to a girl, was called "dude"
and "Mr. Happy". Venus Love-me Chain still had that
Harness/Whip/Encircle problem, but would sometimes
just be Venus Love Chain. Mars Flame Sniper sometimes
retained its name, but would sometimes be Mare Flame
Shooter. The crystal power transformations were
sometimes called Star Power. Rini's speech, which
should be, "Please Pegasus, help protect everyone's
dream" went from,"Please Pegasus, protect people's
dreams" to "Pegasus, someone's dream is in danger" and
a bunch of other things. CereCere, whose dub name is
CeleCele, was called CereCere one time. It was only
once, but it could have been avoided.
This article has become bigger than I expected,
and proved that CWi's dub was not the best dub.
Without these inconsistencies, the dubs could have
been great.
Comments on this article can be sent to: Bao.