In the anime, the Lemures are the "Monsters of the Day", those monsters who are always called
on to take care of the senshi, but also to give the major villains a chance to escape.
The Lemures all make their entrance by appearing out of the Trio's or
Quartet's shadows. Each come in
different types, sometimes depending on which Trio or Quartet member
calls them. They are all related to circus performers, animals, or even objects. There's
actually a whole family of Ball-type Lemures! All of the Lemures are fairly freaky looking,
and very colorful. This appearence, combined with equally freaky personalities, results in
the Lemures often providing a lot of the comic relief in SuperS.
Of course, the Lemures are destroyed one after the other, and we never see them again.
Check out our lists for the Trio, the
Quartet, and Specials for
individual information on all of the anime Lemures.