If you would like to submit a column similar to the ones found in
The Lemures Files send your column as an attachment
in either .txt, or .rtf formats.
Articles in .wpr, .doc, .html or any other format will not be used.
Include a title for your article. We need a title
in order to link the article from the Lemures Index. Any articles submitted
without a title will be ignored and deleted.
Please only submit articles about Sailormoon, the internet, or events
that effect all anime/manga pages on the internet.
We may make some editing suggestions. However, authors will be
consulted before their articles are open to public viewing.
Columns will be accepted from anyone, but we reserve
the right to decide which articles are fit to be posted.
Try to make your articles well thought out and at least
one page long. Any articles shorter than this we
have a tendency to toss out, unless it is in the form of a poem, etc.
We reserve the right to take down any article, at any time, without notice.