By: Jade
It's sad when you go into a webpage these days and see
these graphics that the person has made and then go into
another and see that they have been stolen from this
person. There is nothing worse than seeing your own
precious work being stolen and the one who stole it wanting
"Can someone please tell me what's the deal with this?"
I love Sailormoon, ever though I've only seen the messed up
DiC version. I think if they would stop tearing out the
good parts it would be better. I spend hours and hours on
end looking through webpages (good and bad) that have to
deal with Sailormoon. It really, REALLY ticks me off to see
pictures that I know for a fact are someones and then see
it on someone elses page. Then they are wanting you to give
them credit for something they know and I definetly know
that is not theirs. Leaving the other person with a whole
lot of time wasted. You're probably wondering why this
bothers me SO much, well I'll tell you. I draw and I also
write stories and I definetly would love to tear off the
head of someone who dared took my artwork. People spend
alot of time doing pictures and animations on their
webpages (I know, it took me thirty minutes to do an
animated .gif that simply bounces up and down) and it's sad
that people are so immature enough to go onto the person's
webpage, say "Hey, I want that picture." and take it
without the person's permission. If it is one of those
"free domain" or whatever you call it graphics then it's
fine, but if it isn't all you have to do is ask! If they
say no than oh well, find someone who has pictures you want
that will say yes!
Then there is the thing with direct links. Stop doing that!
When the person moves their site or renames the pictures
what does that do? That's right. "Creates LOTS of broken
picture links!" I hate seeing the little red X instead of a
picture just because the person can't seem to get off his
lazy behind and do some work and stop bumming off of
someone elses pages! Direct links cause the other person's
page to work slower therefore making people lose interest
in their site and not coming back. Sometimes resulting in
that person's page being taken down and the thief going to
another person's pages and taking theirs. Soon everybody
will get so tired of this all the good SM sites will take
their webpages down leaving us with sites that would make
the Amazoness Quartet's Worst Sailormoon Pages in a
If you're a person that steals from the most popular SM
sites, one such as the Everchanging Sailormoon Gateway, you
are the most STUPIDEST person that ever was born on the
face of planet Earth! I don't get it! What makes you so
sure that you're going to get away with it? I've seen
Janelle's animated .gif (the one that says "Do NOT Take")
not only on one, not two, but three other sites, maybe even
more. Is it you don't understand english/ingles/eigo? What
part of Do NOT Take do you do not understand?! People are
so sad, it's disgusting. Well, hopefully I won't ever have
to worry about people stealing my artwork from my
story/cartoon. But if I ever did run across someone who
stole my artwork I have some words of wisdom to you.
"Prepared to be sued."
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